Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is Trading Price Action Really Difficult to Do?

Trading price action may be a completely new concept to some traders. While to other traders, the concept may seem incredibly difficult to grasp. It's funny because trading price action is so incredibly simple when you compare it to what most traders

Generating My Own Signals

Please let me introduce myself, my name is Andreas Kirchberger and I make an extraordinary living trading on the forex market. I used to work for Deutsche Bank as a forex advisor but I made the decision to quit because one question kept nagging me and even haunted me in my dreams: Why should I work and sweat for 8 hours a day making other people rich by researching reports and monitoring market movements?

About Finance

I have been doing Forex Trading for the past 3 years and making a lot of money from it. I’ve tried a lot of forex softwares and e-books but they were very bad and it didn’t help me much but the last two that i have tried and still running them are:
Doubling Stocks
I’m running these two upfront and making a lot of money from them.

Forex trading - Knowledge Lot Sizes

Currencies in Forex are traded in Lots. Since forex traders always search for the most efficient ways to limit risks or at least lessen risk effects. For this purpose various risk management and money management strategies are created. The Lot size are part of the money management to control the ammount of risk that will be taken.A standard lot size is 100 000 units. Units refer to the base currency being traded. For example, with USD/CHF the base currency is US dollar, therefore if to trade 1 standard lot of USD/CHF it would be worth $100 000. Example: GBP/USD, here the base currency is British Pound (GBP), a standard lot for GBP/USD pair will be worth £100 000.here are three types of lots by size, Standard lots = 100 000 units, Mini lots = 10 000 units and micro lots = 1000 units. Mini and micro lots are offered to traders who open mini accounts on average size from $200 to $1000. Standard lot sizes can be traded with larger accounts only start from $ 10 000 but the requirements for a size of standard account vary from broker to broker.The smaller the lots size traded, the lower will be profits, but also the lower will be losses. When traders talk about losses, they also use term “risks”. Because trading in Forex is as much about losing money as about making money. Risks in Forex refer to the possibility of losing entire investment while trading. Trading Forex is known as one of the riskiest capital investments.

Financial Gold - Coinage, Bullion, Currency Backing

Because gold is highly valued and in very limited supply it has long been used as a medium of exchange or money. The first known use of gold in transactions dates back about 6000 years. Early transactions were done using pieces of gold or pieces of silver. The rarity, usefulness and desirability of gold make it a substance of long term value. Gold works well for this purpose because it has a high value, is durable, portable and easily divisible.

Some early printings of paper money were backed by gold held in safe keeping for every unit of money that was placed in circulation. The United States once used a "gold standard" and maintained a stockpile of gold to back every dollar in circulation. Under this gold standard, any person could present paper currency to the government and demand in exchange an equal value of gold. The gold standard was once used by many nations but it eventually became too cumbersome and is no longer used by any nation.

The gold used as a financial backing for currency was most often held in the form of gold bars, also known as "gold bullion". The use of gold bars kept manufacturing costs to a minimum and allowed convenient handling and storage. Today many governments, individuals and institutions hold investments of gold in the convenient form of bullion.

The first gold coins were minted under the order of King Croesus of Lydia (a region of present-day Turkey) in about 560 BC. Gold coins were commonly used in transactions up through the early 1900's when paper currency became a more common form of exchange. Gold coins were issued in two types of units. Some were denominated in units of currency, such as dollars, while others were issued in standard weights, such as ounces or grams.

Today gold coins are no longer in wide use for financial transactions. However, gold coins issued in specific weights are popular ways for people to purchase and own small volumes of gold for investment. Gold coins are also issued as "commemorative" items. Many people enjoy these commemorative coins because they have both a collectable value and a precious metal value.

10 Reasons Not To Trade Forex

Do you trade forex? Do you consider trading forex? Do you consider learning how to trade forex? Don’t do it. I like the profit opportunities that currency trading carries. I like also the risks involved, it wouldn’t be fun otherwise. But I don’t like the idea to trade myself. Where is why:

Trading System Scams

If you have a look for trading systems on the Internet, there are plenty of them for sale - all promising to make you millions.

When something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Many of the trading systems for sale are unprofitable. As well as wasting your money, you could lose your trading capital.

Check these points when looking at a trading system to avoid becoming another victim:


Most trading millionaires use systems that are 50-60% accurate. It is virtually impossible in the real world to get 90% accuracy, but that is what some system vendors claim. As soon as you see that, you know that the figure is not realistic, and may be based on a very limited set of test trades.

Real life performance

It is possible to tweak a trading system to get fabulous results on the right set of test data. You simply adjust it to maximise profit. However it is one thing to do that, and another for it to work in real life. Always check to see whether test results are hypothetical, or whether they have been achieved in actual trading.

A good system should have average losses smaller than average profits.

Disclosure of approach

An undisclosed approach is called a "black box" system. You need a lot of faith to use a system that doesn't state how it works. It is preferable to go for a system that provides some information on the approach used


A system that has been around for a while, and has been reviewed and checked out by a number of people (who are not selling it) is preferable to the new kid on the block. Many trading systems spring up, and then quietly disappear once word gets around that they don't work.

Exotic or secret technologies

Innovation is a good thing, but beware of a system vendor who states that their system has some new secret trading approach or includes secret, proprietary approaches used by a hedge fund or investment bank, not previously available.

Iif the system cost millions of dollars for a hedge fund to develop and was truly profitable, would it be for sale for $79.95?

Amount of capital

If the trading system needs $50,000 and you have $1,000, then it is a non starter for you.


Drawdowns are the maximum negative movement of a trading account. If the system has drawdowns of (say) 30%, you are in for a wild ride, and will need a lot of risk capital. You should be comfortable with the risk factor of the system in real life trading, and this includes the drawdowns.


Does the system make hundreds of trades a week, and rely on split second timing? If so, it may not be practical to trade, unless you have some sort of automation to handle the trades. It may not be possible to execute your trades on time if the system relies on very short term movements.

Take care when selecting a trading system - there are a lot of scams out there.